The animals confess to being traitors because they believe that they deserve what the other animals got from them.
The animals in "Animal Farm" confess because they are manipulated and pressured into doing so by the pigs in power, particularly Napoleon. They are coerced through fear, intimidation, and manipulation, which ultimately serves the pigs' agenda of maintaining control over the other animals.
hogs, foxs, and sometimes dogs
NO!ans2:Some liberals are traitors and some traitors are liberals. Being a liberal isn't synonymous with being a traitor.
The slaughter of the animals who confessed to being traitors was especially horrifying to the other animals because it showed the brutal and unforgiving nature of those in power, instilling fear and paranoia among the community. It also demonstrated the extent to which the regime was willing to go to maintain control, leading to a sense of powerlessness and despair among the rest of the animals.
In chapter 7 of Animal Farm, several animals are killed during an assembly of the animals. The animals are killed for being traitors against The Farm.
they are immediately sentenced to death
no he did not confess. he also managed to write in his will that Margaret, who said he was a witch would get 30 p of silver.
traitors gate is in the tower of London
he does not have too because we can serch about him
In the final circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the sinners being punished are traitors. This circle is divided into four rounds where traitors to family, country, guests, and benefactors are condemned to eternal suffering.