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Animals were used to represent the people and events in an indirect way, to prove the problems of a communist country. Also, this made the story more believable. Even though what happens to the animals really did happen to real people, most wouldn't believe it.

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Q: Why did orwell use animals for animals farm?
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How does Geogre Orwell Use Irony In Animal Farm?

The main irony is that the animals who replace the farmer abuse their fellow animals in worse ways than the farmer ever did.

Is George Orwell Jewish?

George Orwell was a vegetarian because in the book animal farm he shows his hatred for the slauter of the animals.

Is there a pig called Napoleon?

Yes--he is a character in George Orwell's book Animal Farm. Napoleon is a dictator and leader of the farm and the animals.

What is a story that uses symbolism in place of realistic events?

One example is "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, where animals on a farm overthrow their human owner to create a society based on equality and fairness. Through the allegory of the farm animals, Orwell critiques the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule, using the animals and their actions to symbolize different political figures and events.

Why are some of the animals killed in Animal Farm by George Orwell?

To show the harsh rule of totalitarian government.

What is an example of caricature in Animal Farm?

The animals in George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' are caricatures of their human equivalents e.g. Snowball is a caricature of Leon Trotsky .

What is the metaphor at the heart of Orwell's allegorical tale?

The metaphor at the heart of Orwell's allegorical tale "Animal Farm" is the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalinism. The animals on the farm represent different groups and figures in Russian history, such as the pigs representing the communist leadership and the working animals representing the proletariat. Through this allegory, Orwell critiques the corruption and tyranny that can result from revolutions.

What is orwell trying to persuade the audience to see or understand?

With his book, "Animal Farm," Orwell is describing World War II through the metaphor of power-hungry farm animals. He is trying to tell people to be careful who they trust and to not follow corrupt leaders.

How do the events on Animal Farm affect animals on neighboring farms?

In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the events on the farm led to neighboring farms trying to discredit the farm. This is an allegory to the west trying to discredit communism.

How are they worse off in Animal Farm?

The book by George Orwell? Weeelll....if that's what you mean, then: Most of the animals were used as slaves/killed. That book was George Orwell's reflection of the government. Somehow, he's right.

What group of animals works the least in animal farm by George Orwell?

The pigs are the rulers, so the idea is that all the other animals are working to support them.

What is the plot structure in Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is a satire written by George Orwell that is based on communists taking over Russia. The book details the story of a farm of animals that rebel against their tyrant leader.