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Pigs like to root up the pasture that cows need to graze. Pigs are not grazers like cows are, they are diggers or rooters. If pigs are allowed to destroy the pasture that the cattle are on, then there will be little to no pasture left for those cows to eat from. Besides, if the pigs aren't used to the cows and vice versa, there may be a bit of a scuffle every now and then, resulting in injury to both parties.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

that's were they live!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

They dont

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Q: Why are pigs being raised on the farm?
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What is a pig farm?

A pig farm is a where pigs are bred and raised.

What farm animals are raised in Illinois?

pigs and cows

Are pigs farm animals?

Yes, pigs are commonly raised as farm animals for their meat, skin, and other byproducts. They are known for their high intelligence and social nature.

What is a piggery?

A piggery is a farm or facility where pigs are raised for meat production. It typically consists of pig pens, feeding areas, and other infrastructure to support the pigs' growth and well-being. The primary purpose of a piggery is to breed, raise, and eventually harvest pigs for human consumption.

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What are the animals in Animal Farm's rights?

Cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, fish, llama, geese; any animal being raised for human use.

Why is rooster being raised on the farm?

because its a farm animal :P

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Do you call a pig that you eat on a farm a boar?

A boar is a male pig that has its testicles. Usually when pigs are small the testicles are removed. The pigs that keep their testicles(and called boars) are raised for breeding. Generally when pigs are raised for meat they are fed until around 220 pounds(give or take 20 pounds).

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I don't know. Why are you asking me this?

Who was sent to explain why the milk was being used by the pigs in animal farm?


What types of livestock was raised in colonial Georgia?

i think cattle sheep goats pigs horses and chickens and other farm animals