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Always allah allah is ya Rabbil alamin with mercy peace and blessings of God Muhammad wa sallallahlauu walaii waa salllam first hazrat the pure religion is Islam Christian hindu 2 religion that are Christians and Hindus are disbelievers with Any relations with friends but the legendary cast is Islam Jesus also a Islam prophet but Islam is ultralegendary cast my god is also their in al Mecca and almadinah Ibrahim Khalil allah Ismail Zabiullah

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Chandan bs Chandu

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12y ago

Probably depends on your beliefs. Going to have a lot of different answers to that. I think the answer you are looking for is a non-biased historical one. The first evidence of religion dates back to the Paleolithic period. (roughly 300,000 years ago) At this point humans were burying their dead in certain parts of the world. This requires some sort of spiritual belief unless they were burying them for another reason. However, I can't imagine that is the case as no other animal buries its' dead in the way we do.

As to the name of the first god...I don't know, but a name was probably coined during the Neolithic period. Look up some of the predominant cultures/cities of that time, e.g. Catalhoyuk, Mesopotamia, Egypt etc...

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Scripturally speaking, the Bible calls then Lucifer, now Satan, the god of this world. As the spiritual realm was before the physical realm and Lucifer/Satan and 1/3 of the Angels under his leadership where to 'manage' the Earth.

Now if you are suggesting the first human claiming to be god, many believe that to be Nimrod, the son of Cush and grandson of Ham - post Flood. Some have said that Nimrod with his mother-wife Seriramis, began the Babylonian Mystery Religion with Nimrod being re-born after being killed into the 'child' god born to Seriramis soon afterwards.

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