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Preparing the way

In 1822, Richard Martin MP piloted the first anti-cruelty bill giving cattle, horses and sheep a degree of protection through parliament.

World first

'Humanity Dick' as he was known, was one of the 22 founders of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which was launched in London in 1824. The SPCA became the first national animal protection society in the world.

No compassion

At that time, compassion for animals was regarded as bizarre. Animals were regarded as little more than commodities supplying food, transport or sport.

Changing attitudes

In its early years the Society's major campaign was to win over the hearts and minds of the general public, and to change people's indifference to animal cruelty.

Cruelty exposed

The 181 convictions for cruelty that the Society achieved during 1832 - the first year such figures were recorded in its annual report - made a telling impact on public opinion about the treatment of animals.

Royal approval

By 1840 the Society's work was held in such high regard that Queen Victoria gave her permission for the SPCA to be called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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7y ago

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was founded in 1824.

It was an outgrowth of the first anti-cruelty bill was introduced by Richard 'Humanity Dick' Martin MP, leader of a group of twenty-two reformers. Also leading the group were William Wilberforce MP, who was already famous for his efforts to abolish slavery in the British Empire, and the Reverend Arthur Broome. The Act was passed in Parliament on 22 July 1822 and was against cruelty to farm animals, particularly cattle. These men banded together to create a society with the will and authority to enforce the new law. The SPCA, the first animal welfare society in any country was thus founded on 16 June 1824, and was later granted its royal status by Queen Victoria in 1840, becoming the RSPCA.

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7y ago

Well, first of all RSPCA stands for The Royal Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals and it began in 1824 when a man wanted cruelty to animals to stop so he created RSPCA and became rich.
The RSPCA was originally begun in England. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was founded in 1824. It developed out of the first anti-cruelty bill, which was introduced by Richard Martin MP, who would later earn the nickname of 'Humanity Dick', leader of a group of twenty-two reformers. Also leading the group were William Wilberforce MP, who was already famous for his efforts to abolish slavery in the British Empire, and the Reverend Arthur Broome. The Act was passed in Parliament on 22 July 1822 and was against cruelty to farm animals, particularly cattle. The group assembled at the "Old Slaughters" Coffee House in London to create a society with the will and authority to enforce the new law. The SPCA, the first animal welfare society in any country was thus founded on 16 June 1824, and was subsequently granted its royal status by Queen Victoria in 1840.

The first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Australia was formed in Victoria on 4 July 1871, following public concern about bad treatment of horses. More info is available at the website sited below.

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13y ago

Richard martin, William Wilberforce and reverand arthur Broome

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When was RSPCA set?

The RSPCA was started in 1824.

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They do not have a "rival" as such, but there are a number of animal welfare charities in the UK including the PDSA which stands for the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, which was formed in 1917.

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RSPCA are supported by the general public through donations.

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RSPCA takes in all kinds of animals.

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RSPCA are a charity that help unwanted pets and animals.

Is the RSPCA commuinity?

The RSPCA is a self funding, non-profit charity.

Where is the RSPCA Victoria adoption center?

The RSPCA Victoria is located in Australia. There are many different branches of the RSPCA in Victoria. Some cities that have a RSPCA Victoria office include Moe, Epping, Burwood East, and Portland.