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Q: Which is widely used for academic testing?
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What type of device is widely used for academic testing?

Omr(optical mark recognition)

What academic software is most widely used by teaching professionals?

ASPEX is a popular software designer that is widely used the educational fields. It is recommended by many, and is very reliable. It is free and easy to download.

What is ticking box testing?

; ticking-box testing : a widely used philosophy of testing, in which no testing is done after the project is fairly well debugged -- the program is given to customer's for trial and acceptance (Robert Kruse)

What is a social subnorm?

There is no widely recognized term "social subnorm" in academic or social science literature. It seems to be a typo or possibly a term used in a specific context that is not widely known or understood.

Details of ticking box testing in software testing?

ticking-box testinga widely used philosophy of testing, in which no testing is done after the project is fairly well debugged -- the program is given to customer's for trial and acceptance.ticking means default code of software testing.

What does map in map testing stand for?

Measure of Academic Progress

What is full from of MLA?

MLA stands for Modern Language Association. It is a widely used style for formatting academic papers and citing sources in the humanities.

What has the author Clyde M Reese written?

Clyde M Reese is best known for his work as a Georgia historian and author. He has written several books on Georgia history, including "The Second War of Independence: Georgia's Struggle for Survival, 1812-1815" and "Lights and Shadows of Atlanta History."

What types of information does not need to be cited in academic writing?

Common knowledge, widely accepted facts, and information that is considered general knowledge in the field do not need to be cited in academic writing.

Who is Prof. Marcelo tangco?

There is no widely recognized figure or academic by the name of Prof. Marcelo Tangco in public domain sources. It is possible that the person is not well known in academic or professional circles.

Can hair be used for testing?

Yes, hair can be used for testing.

What is the name of the format for an academic paper?

There are several formats that are available for writing an academic paper. Usually students don't get to find this out unless they discuss this with someone who is expert or someone who is experienced. Academic paper writing formats include MLA, APA and Harvard format as they are the most widely used academic paper writing formats in today's world. You can further read about academic paper writing formats and if there is a need of assistance, you can visit this link ( that will surely assist you out with your problems.