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christian aid is based in the UK and Irish churchs

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Q: Where is Christian aid based?
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Related questions

What are some Christian aid organisations?

They arecalled the Christian Aid.

When did Christian aid first start?

Christian aid started in 1945

Is Christian Aid in the UK?

Yes, Christian aid is from the U.K and helps over the world .

Aid awarded based on family income is what kind of aid?

Need-based Aid

What country does Christian aid work in?

christian aid works in cowpen , the avenues and newsham to stop sock stealing

What Christian agencies do development work?

Christian Aid and the Catholic charity CAFOD are two of the biggest Christian aid & development organisations. There are many others less well-known, I'm not sure of their names, but you could find some if you Google 'Christian charities' or 'Christian aid organisations'.

What are the Christian aid's aims?


Aid awarded based on family income is called a aid?

Need- based

What kind of charity relief work is Christian Aid a part of?

Christian Aid is an organization in Britain and Ireland and are involved in working on relief, development, and advocacy for poverty eradication. Christian Aid's work is inspired by the hope to change poverty in an unjust world.

What do you think about Christian Aid?

Personally, I think the Christian Aid organization is quite helpful for many peoples with its noble goal of extinguishing poverty worldwide.

Who does Christian Aid help?

They help many countries; it depends. They go where ever they have the calling to go. It also depends on where the belief in Christ is minimal. This is just based off my opinion

What does the Christian aid symbol symbolise?

it means apple