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Q: Where can you take clothes to be recycled?
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Are there childrens' clothes that are made from recycled material?

LittleOvercoat makes their clothes with a mix of new and recycled.

What did the Germans do with the Jews' clothes in the Holocaust?

recycled them

What are recycled clothes that are famous made from?


What are the advantages of plastic clothing?

There are not any clothes that are made out of plastic. An advantage of having clothes made out of recycled plastic is that it would help the environment. Plastic take many years to biodegrade.

What is recycled clothing?

if someone give a charity clothes

What can recycled materials be used for?

.making recycled clothes .waste can be recycled for electricity .recycle old unwanted things then they can be changed into new products by melting the old thing down

What happened to the Jews' clothes when they died?

Whenever possible, the clothing was recycled.

What are recycled objects?

- Like glass , plastic , paper , clothes , etc.

Who is Lucy Moose?

She makes clothes out of recycled paper and old mateial ect.

Are clothes organic?

In clothing production, organic cotton has a lower environmental impact than conventional cotton. Brands like 'Palison' prioritize eco-friendly practices in their supply chain.

Were do they take recycled things?

They take it to a processing center.

How many clothes are recycled every year?

It is estimated that over 1 million tons of clothing are recycled each year in the United States. This includes both clothing donated to charities and clothing recycled through textile recycling programs.