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Q: When is pet appreciation week?
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August 20-25 is appreciation week for employees. Employee appreciation week celebrates the contributions employees make to keep their organizations functional.

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October 1-7 is Sleep Technologist Appreciation Week, 2012.

When is dietary appreciation week?

Appreciation week for health care food service workers is October 3-9.

When is teacher appreciation week for 2014?

Teacher Appreciation Week is from May 9-14, 2014. This is the week when everyone can show how much teachers are appreciated.

When is maintenance appreciation week?

week after Thanksgiving November 26-30

What is teacher appreciation week?

every year

Why you celebrate teachers day?

Teacher's Day is a day to show appreciation to teachers for all they do. Teacher Appreciation Week is during the first full week of May. Show appreciation to your teachers- they give the gift of education.

When is Maintenance appreciation week 2012?

week after thanksgiving November 26-30

When is pet day?

JANUARYNational Dress Up Your Pet Day - January 14FEBRUARYResponsible Pet Owners MonthHave a Heart for Chained Dogs Week - February 7-14Pet Theft Awareness Day - February 14Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week, Feb. 8-14Spay Day USA, Feb. 23National Dog Biscuit Day - February 23Pet Dental Health MonthMARCHNational Puppy Day- March 23APRILNational Pet ID Week - April 18-24National Kids & Pets Day - April 26National Pet MonthPrevention of Cruelty to Animals MonthNational Pet First Aid Awareness MonthNational Pet Day - April 10Hairball Awareness Day, April 30National Animal Control Appreciation Week, April 11-17MAYNational Pet Week - 1st week of MayBe Kind to Animals Week - 1st week of MayNational Dog Bite Prevention Week May 13-19National Disabled Pets Day - May 3Hug Your Cat Day, May 30JUNEAdopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month - June 1-30Take Your Dog To Work Dayï¿1⁄2 - June 22, 2007AUGUSTInternational Homeless Pets Day - August 15National Dog Day - August 26thSEPTEMBERNational Dog Week - Last week of SeptemberOCTOBERAdopt-a-dog Month - October 1-31National Feral Cat Day - October 16National Cat Day October 29NOVEMBERSenior Pet MonthNational Animal Shelter Appreciation Week - Nov 5-11DECEMBERNational Mutt Day

When is principal appreciation week for 2013?

Feb 20th

When is Teacher Appreciation Week in Alberta?

The First Full Week of MayTeacher Appreciation Week - the time when you get to thank your teacher for all he or she has done for you - is held annually, during the first full week of May.

When is national food service week 2012?

When is national food service employye appreciation week.