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The pigs didn't work, not manual labor anyway. The pigs were the "thinkers" of the farm. That is how they justified getting to eat the apples and milk which Squealer said was brain food.

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Q: What work did the pigs do in animal farm ch x?
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Pigs are not kosher for Jews to eat (Leviticus ch. 11); and the Jewish sages decreed against Jews owning and raising pigs.

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There really isn't a theme to Animal Farm Ch.2. It's more of a rising action because that's when the animals finally took over the farm. However, the overall theme to Animal Farm is absolute power corrupts absolutely, and no one is truly equal.

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The pigs who "could already read and write perfectly ...... None of the other animals on the farm could get further than the letter A." It is this passage which foreshadows the pigs' subtle and cunning decision to literally hog all the milk and apples on the farm by taking advantage of the illiteracy of the other poor gullible animals.At the end of Ch. 3,Squealer manages to convince the other animals why the milk was necessary for the pigs.

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Chinstrap Penguin is an ocean animal. It begins with the letters ch.

What animal that begins with the letter ch?

Chinchilla, chimp or chimpanzee

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It could be a hutch.

Did God make pigs?

Tradition states that God created all living things (Genesis ch.1). That includes pigs. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?

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