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It was just banter

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Q: What was one of the arguments that is used to explain why the milk was going to the pigs?
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Who was sent to explain why the milk was going to the pigs in animal farm?

Since squealer was very clever and intelligent he used his intelligence to twist the words around to make the other animals believe that it was necessary for the pigs to drink the milk.

Who was sent to explain why the milk was being used by the pigs in animal farm?


What did squealer say to explain why the pigs needed the milk in the book animal farm?

The other animals allowed the pigs to have the rights to the cows milk because they were the smartest and therefore, deserved the cows milk more than any of the other animals. Or at least that is what the pigs convinced them to think.

How do the pigs gain the rights of the cow's milk?

They don't. Pigs don't drink cow's milk.

Can you milk guinie pigs?


Do micro pigs drink milk?

yes, pigs are mammals and all mammals drink milk from their mother

What milk can guinea pigs drink?

anchour milk trim!

Will guinea pigs have milk already?

If you mean as in to feed there babies yes. If you're talking about giving grown guinea pigs milk don't ever give them milk.

Why was the milk going to the pigs in animal farm?

In "Animal Farm," the milk goes to the pigs because they consider themselves to be the most intelligent and important animals on the farm. They believe that they need the extra nutrients from the milk to sustain themselves as they oversee the running of the farm and make decisions for the other animals.

Can guinea pigs drink cows milk?

no, guinea pigs should not have dairy.

Do pigs make butter?

No, pigs do not make butter. Butter is made from churning cream, typically from cows. Pigs are mammals that do not produce milk with a high enough fat content for making butter.

How do baby guinea pigs drink?

baby guinea pigs will suckle mothers milk