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In the ancient roman religion, Sol, later referred to as Sol Invictus (unconquered Sun) was the sun deity.

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Q: What is the sun god of rome?
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Who were the children of the sun god?

I am unsure of your exact question. There is only one true God - the God of Abraham, but if you are refering to Ancient Rome and Greece, Apollo and Helios' children are to numerous to name.

Who is the god or goddess of the Sun?

The ancient Roman god of the Sun is known as Apollo. In Greek mythology, the equivalent god of the Sun is Helios. Both Apollo and Helios are depicted as driving a chariot across the sky to represent the sun's daily journey.

Who is the god of sun?

I figure you're either asking, "Who is the Son of God?" (and my answer would be Jesus, based on the Christian faith) or you could be asking, "Who is the sun god?" (and my answer would be Apollo the Greek "sun god" or Helios in Greek mythology). The Sun God might also refer to Louis 14 (XIV) of France, who was popularly known as "le Roi Soleil", The Sun King. Louis was strongly associated with Apollo Helios as the virtual center of France, the French court and the French culture. It could also refer to Aten, the god of Akenaten, the 'heretic' king of ancient Egypt.

What is the duration of Under the Sun of Rome?

The duration of Under the Sun of Rome is 1.73 hours.

Sol means sun in what language?

Sol is the name attributed to the Roman mythical god of the sun. The language of Rome was Latin. Popular English words such as solar have derived from Sol.

Which planet is more away from the sun?

in 2005 it was believed Pluto (Plew-to) was the farthest one from the sun. But since 2007 it has been reconsidered that Neptune (Nep-Tune) is. Index-Pluto: God of the Underworld (Rome) in Greece known as Hades (Hey-deez) - Neptune: God of the sea (Rome) in Greece known as Poseidon (Pos-ai-don)

Mithre surname belongs to which religion?

Cult of Mithras the sun God of Rome roman legion god lots of the mythos incorporated into Xtianity Xmas day the same as birthday of Mithras

Who is the god of darkness in ancient rome?

Erelus was the god of pure darkness in ancient Rome.

What is the god of love in rome?

The love god in Rome is Venus, or Aphrodite in Greek form.

What was apollon the god of?

god of the sun god of the sun

When was Under the Sun of Rome created?

Under the Sun of Rome was created on 1948-10-02.