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•He has the power to manipulate

•He is determined so he fights for what he wants

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Q: What is napoleon strength and weaknesses in animal farm?
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What animal was Napoleon in Animal Farm?

Napoleon was a boar (pig)

What title does Napoleon give himself in the book Animal Farm?

Napoleon gives himself the title of "President" in the book Animal Farm.

What animal was napoleon Animal Farm?

Napoleon was used to symbolize Joseph Stalin, a Russian dictator, in Animal Farm

Who demonstrates totalitarianism in Animal Farm?


The farmhouse in Animal Farm is a symbol that stands for what?

The Farmhouse in Animal Farm is a symbol of Animal Domination. (Napoleon and squealer's domination, to be exact.) The Farmhouse and the Windmill were both symbols of Napoleon's power over all the animals of animal farm.

Who were the first to rebel against Napoleon in animal farm?

Napoleon, by not eating from his trough .

What animals always argue in animal farm?

Snowball and Napoleon always disagree in the book animal farm

How did Fredrick trick Napoleon in chapter 8 of animal farm?

In chapter 8 of Animal Farm, Frederick tricked Napoleon by offering to buy the timber from Animal Farm with counterfeit money. However, when Napoleon discovered the deception, he led the animals in a battle against Frederick and his men during the Battle of the Windmill. Napoleon's forces ultimately rid the farm of the human invaders.

Who was kick off the farm by napoleon in Animal farm?

That would be snowball, who was from there out considered a 'trator', but in reality was not.

Who was accused of being a traitor in Animal Farm?

Snowball, but only after he was run out of Animal Farm by Napoleon. From then on, whenever something went even mildly wrong, Snowball was to blame though he was never seen again after the initial event of being exiled.

What is the inhumanity in the novel Animal Farm?

the dictatorship of napoleon

What individual does napoleon symbolize in animal farm?
