Alien specie is defined by whether it is a foreighn animal.
For instance, in the UK some of the Spiders around are alien specie, because they are not from this country.
An alien species is a species that is not native to an area. An exotic species is native to an area but not common.
An alien is actually someone that is a resident of another country and goes to another country. Like a tourist is alien to the place he is visiting. Or someone who is excluded from a group is considered an alien to that groupYes but all these people are the same species an alien species is another species apart from Homo sapiens eg some species from another planet or galaxy.Or maybe in this question an alien species is a species that is not native to the US.
Alien X is not exactly the most power full alien, it belongs to an alien species called SABIONS in this species there are aliens more powerfull than Alien X.
No. No alien species are known to exist at this time.
The presence of an alien species may lead to inter-specific competition. An alien species may reproduce quickly due to a lack of predators of the species's ability to utilize resources that native species cannot. The alien species may even introduce diseases. Predation by the alien species can lead to a loss of biodiversity and some native endangered species may be driven to extinction.
Depends on what species.
no alien known to date lives in Wisconsin
That depends on the species.
Alien species or Non-native species .
That depends on the species