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Your lies are erased, your bad habits eliminated, and your sins forgiven.

So sayeth Comrade kidbuck.

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Q: What happens when you swallow correction fluid?
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What happens when you breathe in the vapours of correction fluid?

May cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Advantages of the correction fluid?

An advantage of correction fluid is that you can use it to cover up mistakes. You can also write on the fluid whenever it dries.

What is liquid paper madeupof?

Liquid Paper is a brand of the Newell Rubbermaid company that sells correction fluid, correction pen and correction tape.

Can Sniffing correction fluid can stop your heart?

Yes it can.

What solvent is in tipex?

The solvent in Tipp-Ex correction fluid is usually a combination of toluene and xylene. These solvents help the correction fluid dry quickly when applied to paper.

How do you remove Correction fluid on thick paper?

To remove correction fluid on thick paper, you can try gently scraping off the dried correction fluid using a razor blade or the edge of a credit card. Be careful not to damage the paper. If the correction fluid is still visible, you can try using a small amount of acetone or nail polish remover on a cotton swab to gently dab at the area until the correction fluid is lifted. It's always a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area of the paper first to ensure the remover doesn't damage it.

How will you take methergine orally?

Swallow with fluid.

Can you die from ingesting correction fluid?

Yes, ingesting correction fluid can be fatal. It contains toxic chemicals that can cause severe damage to internal organs and lead to potentially deadly complications such as poisoning, organ failure, and respiratory distress. If someone has ingested correction fluid, seek immediate medical attention.

What is the difference between whiteout and liquid paper?

Whiteout is a quick-drying correction fluid used to cover mistakes on paper with white pigmentation, while Liquid Paper is a brand of correction fluid that is used in the same way but can come in various colors. Liquid Paper is a specific type of correction fluid, while whiteout is a more general term for any type of correction fluid that covers mistakes on paper.

What acid is in tipex?

The acid in correction fluid, such as Tipp-Ex, is usually either acetic acid or formic acid. These acids help in making the correction fluid opaque and quick-drying.

What is a slang word for correction fluid in New Zealand?

Twink seems to be the work most commonly used in New Zealand. It is also the most common brand of correction fluid in New Zealand.

How can you swallow vaginal fluid from the anus?

Of course you can't