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You can be arrested, have to go to court. You may be fined or have to do jail time or both.

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It depends on how bad it is. Sometimes they get a fine. Sometimes they get arrested and go to jail and get the animal or animals taken away from them and get a big fine.

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Q: What happens to you if you get caught doing animal cruelty?
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Which state has largest animal cruelty reports?

Idaho, Hawaii, Kentucky, Mississippi and North Dakota are the states with the highest rate of animal cruelty, do to the fact that there is absolutely no punishment for doing so.

Why is it not animal cruelty to put lobsters in boiling water while they are still alive?

it is animal cruelty, just people have done it for so long and many believe that by doing so is not too bad, such as killing a spider, or a bird for hunting.. but i personally think it is animal cruelty and should not be done.

Should you join a group that prevents animal cruelty?

If you believe that what the group is doing is right, then join them!

Why cant animal tests be used to treat human injuries?

Because it may hurt the animal, and that's classed as animal cruelty. You can get arrested for doing this.

Can you shoot an animal with a taser gun?

If you needed to, yes. Doing it just for amusement could lead to an animal cruelty charge, however.

Is chaceing a horse with a quad animal crulity because i saw my neighbor doing it and it was disturbing?

Probably not animal cruelty. I realize why you were disturbed. But if the horse is loose he's got to be caught. You can't let him wonder out in front of some unknowing driver coming down the road. That WOULD be cruel.

Can marijuana ingestion be lethal to a puppy?

Yes ... and doing so would constitute animal cruelty, which is punishable by law.

What would happen to a animal abuser if they got caught?

It depends on the abuse and on wether the abuser was properly aware of what he was doing. Often animal abuse is the result of negligence or ignorance and can be put right with a little education. However for those that commit serious act of cruelty there are heavy fines and at times goal sentences

What is RSPCA doing to stop animal cruelty?

There wasn't any information of what they did. Yet everyone should know they are trying to help.

How many animals are saved in cruelty cases?

Many animals are saved i wish they could save more but we are doing the best we can and i hope we can stop animal cruelty...... Animals diservie love and hugs

What can happen if you dump or abandon an animal by the roadside?

If an animal is dumped or abandoned on the side of the road and the person is caught doing it, they can be charged with a crime. If the person is not caught, the animal will most likely die from starvation or be run over.

Is getting a snake high on weed bad or good?

That's a perfect case of animal cruelty ! ANYONE who even thinks about doing such an act shouldn't be allowed anywhere near ANY animal !