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the pigs got the milk and apples because squealer said that since they were in charge they should get the food which gave them "brain power"

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The pigs appropriated all the apples for themselves.

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Q: What happened to the milk and apples on animal farm and how were they rationalized?
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What is related to apples and milk in animal farm?


What happened to mrs Jones in animal farm?

He is overthrown by the animals and kicked off of the farm in Chapter 4.

How is mistreatment used in Animal Farm?

One major way mistreatment is used in Animal Farm is that the pigs and dogs get to sleep in an extra hour, get the milk and apples, and are generally favoured over the other animals.

What does napoleon offer for the capture of snowball in chapter 6 of animal farm?

Napoleon offered half a bushel of apples

Where to pick apples?

pick apples in spring on a farm

In animal farm what happened to the milk?

the pigs drink it and dont share it with the other animals

What work did the pigs do in animal farm ch x?

The pigs didn't work, not manual labor anyway. The pigs were the "thinkers" of the farm. That is how they justified getting to eat the apples and milk which Squealer said was brain food.

What is the rumor being spread around the farm about Comrade Napoleon dying and what really happened in Animal Farm?

The rumor circulating on the farm was that Comrade Napoleon was on his deathbed. In reality, Napoleon was spotted walking on two legs and fraternizing with humans in the farmhouse, betraying the principles of the animal revolution.

Who was the first animal that died on Animal Farm?

The first animal to die on the farm (while it's still known as "Manor Farm") is Old Major. The first animal to die after the farm was renamed "Animal Farm" is a sheep in the Battle of the Cowshed.

What is a good farm animal on Webkinz?

Well i wouldn't GET a FARM ANIMAL but if i did i would get the cow. they r the best farm animal. =)

When was Benjamin - Animal Farm - created?

Benjamin - Animal Farm - was created in 1945.

In Animal Farm who is the muscle of the corps?

The muscle in Animal Farm is Boxer.