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The animal can be mutated, or become very sick from having substances tested on it.

Yes, most animals that get tested on either die or become very sick that may be tested on again and again if they didn't die.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Basically, the animal lives in a very small cage, is tested on and dies.

It has no choice

Yeah, but it also helps find cures to diseases and medicine. and they get free toys.

Your kidding right? Animals get tortured and killed in those little cages just for somebody to get a sensible mascara. Blind a bunny just for your own needs? Selfish much?

Actually the bigger companies such as L'Oreal actually treat their animals well and often the tests performed were on grown cells first to make sure the animals don't feel any harm

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11y ago

Animal testing can have many different effects on an animal depending on the species, but these are the most common:

1. Loss of life

2. Impared hearing or other senses or complete loss of them

3. Impared movement

4. May cause the animal not able to reproduce which may lead to extinction if the animal is already endangered

5. disfigurement of body or parts of the body.

All around not a good idea. Please dont engage in this type of activity, its cruel.

My best answer would be to tell you the effect it had on some very special chimpanzees. Two chimps, Tom and Rachel, finally made it out of the lab and to a sanctuary in Canada. Tom was born in the wild, witnessed his mother killed so he could be taken for research. Rachel lived with a human family until she was three at which time she became unmanageable, and was walked into a laboratory cage by the very people she loved. Before that, Rachel wore frilly dresses and took bubble baths and ate with utensils.

By the time they made it to the sanctuary, decades later, they were in horrible condition. Tom woke up each morning gagging uncontrollably, the result of many years having respirators and feeding tubes jammed down his throat.

Rachel was an emotional wreck, self mutilating and subject to panic attacks. She also had an interesting habit of dragging around this tire with her. She was so attached to it, she would not go into a room if she could not fit it through the door. It was later revealed why she did this, and the answer is heartbreaking: It was the only thing in her 5x5x7 foot cage she could hide behind when the lab techs came for her.

Another chimp, Billy Jo, was a cast off from a very abusive industry, the circus. All his teeth were bashed out with either a crowbar or a hammer and chisel. In the lab, Billy chewed off both of his thumbs after waking up from anesthetic. At the sanctuary, the years as a slave in the circus and lab left him emotionally unbalanced, to say the least. He did not know how to interact with other chimps, and often locked himself in a room.

Another heartbreaking example is of some chimps who knew sign language. Bruno was a little chimp living in Oklahoma learning sign language along with several other baby chimps, and he even lived with the famous Washoe for a time. He was sold to a biomedical facility. His teacher, Roger Fouts, tried to save the chimps, but he only had authority over Washoe. He could not save the rest. When sent to the lab, he did not stop signing, even though nobody understood him. When someone finally signed back to him, the first thing he said was, "Key Out".

Ally was another chimp who lived with Bruno. He lived with a human family in his early childhood, until his mother decided there was no room for a chimp in her life anymore. He became close friends with Washoe, even fathering her two sons, who, sadly did not survive. Ally was sold to a lab along with the rest. He later died from being injected with or force fed insecticides.

Years after he was sent away, Washoe was watching an old home movie. When Ally came on the screen she was asked "Who that?" in sign. Washoe replied " Hug, Hug, Nut." (Nut was Ally's name sign, because he was so crazy).

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14y ago

Animals are affected by animal testing because, well for starters people Test animals with their products. If the product fails it could very much harm the animal.

But it always depends on the product.


animals have as much right to live as we do. after all, aren't we technically animals as well? some people say animals don't experience pain! rubbish!! they do experience pain, anything with a brain can experience pain! just because they can't tell us they are in pain doesn't mean they can't feel it!!

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14y ago

Scientists inject the animals with disease, and see how they react. If it is bad, they'll either test some more or leave the animals to die. They can test on so many things ranging from how long things can survive without food or water, to if diseases are fatal. I liked this question, as I am against Animal Testings. Thank you, and to read more go to:

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14y ago

Animal testing can have many effects on animals. For one, it can kill them or make them very sick. Tests done on animals can also cause them to loose hair, scales or fur. And it can ultimately cause mutations on the animals themselves. An example of animal testing would be the creatures that washed up on the shores of New York not too, too long ago. These animals, which looked like they had been dogs of a sort at one point, looked naked, except for strange tufts of hair on top of their head. The skin around their mouth was peeled away, exposing an almost beak-like mouth. Test done on these animals showed different chemicals on and inside it, suggesting that it had been tested on and the tests had cause mutations to form.

-Hope this helps

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13y ago

Whole Body, Short-term Toxicity, Skin Penetration, Skin Irritancy, Eye irritancy, Skin Sensitization, Phototoxicity & Photosensitisation, Reproductive Toxicity, Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity, Teratogenicity and Finished Product Testing are all common tests performed on animals. The terrible part is that only 6% of animal testing is for medical reasons.

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11y ago

There have been many medical advances when it comes to animal testing including aspirin testing and such.

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I do not support animal testing. Especially if the animals are being tested on for human products like makeup and shampoo and stuff. if its for the humans then theyshould get humans to agree to safe testing practices. If it is for animals then they should use safe and human practices on some animals. But if the product is made for humans then it should not be tested on animals because it could have a totally different effect on humans then it does animals from- an all around animal loving vegetarian