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Q: What does napoleon have the television used for in the animal farm?
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What animal was napoleon Animal Farm?

Napoleon was used to symbolize Joseph Stalin, a Russian dictator, in Animal Farm

What two hardships did Napoleon warn the workers of in Animal Farm?

Napoleon warned the workers of the two hardships of overwork and hunger on Animal Farm. He used these threats to keep the animals in line and maintain control over them.

How did Napoleon use Mr. Wymper in animal farm?

He used him as a "go between" with human world. Napoleon could get certain goods to either benefit the farm or himself (alcohol)

What means does Napoleon use to oust Snowball as a rival?

Napoleon convinces the the animals that all the unfortunate instances on Animal Farm were because of Snowball. He propagandized Snowball to be the bad guy and used him as a scapegoat in order to gain control. Napoleon also used the dangerous dogs to intimidate the other farm animals into not questioning him. All in all, Napoleon used power and fear the oust Snowball.

How is revenge used in Animal Farm?

revenge is a theme common in animal farm, napoleon takes revenge on snowballs "evil" deeds by mass murdering bodies of suspected traitors for example

Who were the peer pressures in Animal Farm?

The constant bleating of the sheep when Napoleon appears is used to subconsciously drown out and bully those who were free-minded or were against Napoleon

Who was the farms poet and songwriter from animal farm?

The poet and songwriter in Animal Farm was a pig named Minimus. He composed various poems and songs that praised the leaders of the farm, particularly Napoleon. His artistic talents were used to create propaganda to support the ruling regime.

Connection between Stalin and Animal Farm?

Both Stalin and the pigs in Animal Farm used tactics like propaganda and reign through terror. They also both employed secret police to do their bidding. In Animal Farm the secret police were the dogs that were "reeducated" for Napoleon's use. They carried out the executions much like the police in the Russian revolution.

Animal farm What happened when any of the other animals protested anything Napoleon said?

"Surely you do not want Jones back" (Napoleon used fear to instill a sense of belonging on any of his decisions)

In animal farm How was snowball used as a scapegoat?

Snowball was chased out of animal farm by some bllod hounds, that napoleon set onto him. Napoleon took the dogs when they were puppies and trained them to be vicious. When Napoleon brought the dogs out to attack Snowball, snowball just escaped through a hole in the hedge, and the other animals were horrified.

What is the significance of the poem about napoleon animal farm?

The poem about Napoleon in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" symbolizes the propaganda used by dictators to manipulate and control the masses. It highlights how leaders can distort the truth to maintain power and influence public opinion. The poem serves as a commentary on the dangers of blind loyalty and the manipulation of language for political gain.

What propaganda is being spread on the farm in chapter 7?

In Chapter 7 of "Animal Farm," propaganda is being spread to discredit Snowball by portraying him as a traitor and enemy of the farm. Squealer uses manipulation and lies to convince the animals that Snowball was responsible for all their problems and that Napoleon is their true leader. These tactics are used to maintain Napoleon's power and control over the farm.