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A few spring to mind (others at the link):

  • Banting and Best did much of their early work on Diabetes using dogs.
  • The Salk (polio) vaccine was developed using monkeys
  • Pasteur used dogs in his studies on rabies
  • Modern cloning techniques are based on animal tests
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15y ago
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15y ago

Hepatitis B, Polio, rabies, malaria, and mumps. Also animal testing has helped cure heart worm in dogs/cats, help find out to measure blood pressure,and new surgical procedures. Without testing animals they have found out how to make anesthesia.

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14y ago

Yes penicillin, the smallpox vaccine, and numerous other cures were tested

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Q: What cures have been developed through animal testing?
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Have helpful cures been found from animal testing?

All medication has been animal tested...

Is animal testing for diseases ok?

Yes because if scientists did not do it on animals there would not be any cures.

What are the good points of animal testing?

cures and treatments most don't hurt animals because Craig foster said so

Why do you use animal testing?

Animal testing helps to cure diseases and to discover new cures and vaccines for both, animals AND humans. It is totally normal that humans use animals to test on because we use nature for our own health. However, animal testing used for cosmetics is completely cruel and unnecessary.

What treatments or cures have been found by animal testing AND be specific name at least 5?

none what so ever so they need to stop

What cures have you found from animal testing?

I haven't done any applied research with animal testing, although I have done basic research with them in the past. However, every drug and medication that is on the market today has had animal testing. Antibiotics, Pain Meds, Heart Meds, etc. Certainly animal research also includes basic research and not every test will result in a marketable drug.

Is fair that they use animal for your heath?

No I am a non believer in animal abuse however many medicines have been modified and many cures for diseases have been created due to the testing of medicine on animals

Is animal testing illegal in Australia?

No, it is legal in Australia but it should be illlegal because it is a cruel way to test cures for human diseases, illnesses, cancers ect.

What is good about animal abuse?

Animal Testing is a part of animal abuse. 1. Cures and diseases have been made to save human lives. Treatments to diabetes, cancer, aids, etc. would not be available if it were not for animal testing. 2. Many things that have been discovered through animal testing also benefit other animals, and not just humans. 3. Most animal testing doesn't hurt the animal. Behavior experiments are often all that happens, and the animal gets a treat for doing something very easy like pressing a button. 4. There are institutional review boards that oversee testing to ensure that the animals are treated as well as possible. If you have any more suggestions of how animal abuse is good, please edit and add more topics of animal abuse and more numbers of how it is good. I personally think animal is never good. It involves unnecessary cruelty to innocent living creatures.

What are some cures by animal testing?

hi my name is lily i am in room four i am answering this question for jade and isla the answer is i dont know but it is a good question. hi jade hi isla

What cures HIV?

There are no known cures of HIV known to date. There are many treatments in hope ot cure HIV developed at the moment.

Should stem cell and embryinic testing be banned?

no because it provides a way to find cures