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my opinion is that its very cruel and sad.people are too selfish and animals have to suffer for it.i dont know how people can judge wether or not things are safe by testing on animals because animals are so different to humans and half the reaction of the animals is the fear and stress.people should take on board the saying of treat others the way you want to be treated and stop testing on those poor inocent animals.


Those 'sad people' you are refuring to are actually trying to save someones life, i think many people in this world would not call that being selfish. In my opinion i would rather a animal die than a cancer paient. They also test on animals as some of them are very much like humans, that means if an animal has a positive reaction towards a drug we are one step closer to curing a disease and we would all rather an animal die during research than a human. You obviously haven't researched into the topic of what animals are are tested on and it isn't just make up or hair products. They are used to develop medicines for the sick and have they have actually helped find different treatments for cancer, strokes, and may other diseases so many people die from each year.

Anyone that 'thinks' that they are against animal testing is basically telling some cancer patients that they would rather them die then some rats.

i think what you have wrote is not only an insult towards scientists that are testing on animals for the right reasons but you are being very cruel on the poor people that are fighting for their life lying in a hospital bed some where with one chance of getting their life back by taking a drug that may have been tested on animals.

In conclusion, i think you are an idiot and should research into such a fragile subject before you try and shout your mouth off about your apparent 'opinion'.

Thank You.

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15y ago

First of all, I think it is dumb. Why do animals have to suffer because we want to make sure our medicines aren't killers without sacrificing ourselves? I think we should make models of humans to test our products on. Aren't we already making robots?

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Q: What are your opinions on Animal Testing?
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Animal testing opinions?

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Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !

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No. There is no legal requirement for animal testing.

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well if the testing is from animal haters the animal will die but if they are good it will live......

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if you believe in animal have no morals,,,i no this because i just wrote a 5 page paper on animal testing and its horrid

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the cons of animal testing r- costs bunches of $$$

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Animal testing sould be illegal because it is harming the animal.

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It is a slightly grey area, but generally no.

Is the government trying to stop Animal testing?

The current laws regarding animal testing are that the animal testing must be carefully reviewed and overseen. There are several laws regulating the use of animals for testing.

What is scientific animal testing testing for?

Everything. Without animal testing certain products, materials, and medications would have to be tested on humans. Many people don't realize that animal testing has the biggest part in the medical field. Without animal testing you would not have basic antibiotics that you get from your doctor.