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French Fields - 1989 Sheep May Safely Graze 2-3 is rated/received certificates of:


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Q: What are the ratings and certificates for French Fields - 1989 Sheep May Safely Graze 2-3?
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Arrive safely in French language?

"Arrive safely" in French is, "Arrivée en toute sécurité".

French word for drive safely?

'conduis prudemment' (imperative)

How do you say have you arrived safely in French?

You can say "Êtes-vous arrivé(e) en toute sécurité ?" in French to ask "Have you arrived safely?"

What is the French word for returned Safely?

retour en toute sécurité

Are you there safely in French?

êtes vous en sécurité là-bas?

What is 'Have a good trip and return safely' when translated from English to French?

Bon voyage et bon retour! is a French equivalent of the English phrase "Have a good trip and return safely!" The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Nice trip and nice return!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bo vwa-yazh ey bo ruh-toor" in French.

How do you spell safely?


What is the superlative for safely?

most safely

What is comparative of safely?

more safely

Certificates of deposits?

form_title=Certificate of Deposit form_header=You can safely make money on your investment by opening certificate of deposit account. What maturities of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are you currently looking for?*= _[50] What investment amounts are you considering for your CD?*= _[50] Are you aware that there is a penalty for early withdrawal from a CD?*= () Yes () No

What is the comparative and superlative of safely?

comparative of safely is more safely and the superlative form is most safely