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The areas provide important facilities for the local communities. The Camley street national park takes in up to two school groups a day and teaches them about the wildlife. For some of these city kids, it is their first glimpse of real wildlife, as many of them don't have the connection with nature that more rural upbringings provide. This is also true for lots of adults, who may be stuck in the city for most of the year, and the only interaction with wildlife they have is at these small reserves.

For day to day use, the areas are used for sitting to get some sunshine, for eating lunch, or even for the postman just to have a breather! The areas amaze people, having recovered wasteland in a way that seems impossible.

Furthermore, the land provides the volunteers with something to do. As well as the younger volunteers, who home their skills and learn about the wildlife, many volunteers are old age pensioners, and it gives them an activity to dedicate their time and effort to.

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