Compassionate people usually choose careers in which their job is to help people. People in the medical field or who do social work are just two examples. More specifically a compasionate person, when seeing someone else in pain or stress, is able to show empathy and will want to help that person. (or animal)
Maybe a neighbor has become old and blind. A compassionate person may offer to read to them or shop for them. A compassionate person will pick up a lost and starving animal and take it to a shelter. A compassionate person will listen to someone in emotional pain and offer their understanding and support. A compassionat person puts their own wants and needs aside in order to help others.
Jesus said, be compassionate as your heavenly father is compassionate.
we create an environment of care that is patient-centered and compassionate, inspiring and motivating.
I Would like to "compassionate" your Compassion. Or He was Compassionate on the work he did to her.
Examples of an ideal self could include being confident, successful, kind, compassionate, healthy, and fulfilled. It can be unique to each individual based on their values, goals, and aspirations.
compassionate = compassionevole
That is the correct spelling of the word "compassionate".
You could answer because you are dedicated, skilled and compassionate. You could also say you are experienced and give examples of your work history.
ansewring this question is chiz d and a way to use compassionate is .was compassionate when dan told him his secret.
The boy was very compassionate to his baby brother every time he coughed. Compassionate means to show concern for others.
Compassionate Action for Animals was created in 1998.
Movement for Compassionate Living was created in 1984.