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Although it is cruel, I got to say yes. Right know there is ONLY 2 ways to test new products. It is by Vito (animal) or by Vitro (test tube). You may say we got todo Vitro it would not be as effective. Also if you really think about it if we test it on us we would get decease's and we would die. Then the animals wouldn't survive because they have no food, water, and shelter.

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14y ago
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13y ago

No they shouldn't be used for testing because all animals have rights and one of those rights is to live happily and with freedom and the animals who get tested can't be happy with been tied up in a cage all the time don't have freedom so they can't be happy so their rights to live are not being met.

Personally i think it is wrong for animals to be tested although if we didn't have the animals to be tested on we wouldn't have the medicines we need to help people heal.However surely they can test them on murderers or rapists instead of animals because the animals did nothing wrong to them or anyone else. One day we will run out of rabbits etc so they won't be able to test things on them anymore need to learn how to respect animals and their needs and other things. If/ when these animals are no longer around the scientist should be ashamed of themselves doing things like this to them.

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13y ago


Currently, animal testing is the most effective method for making sure that products are safe for use as well as for improving them. The quantities and types of ingredients in products changes all the time, thus an effective method is needed to accommodate this. Animal testing has helped extend life expectancy by 23.5 years, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Selecting for products that state they do not test on animals doesn't make a difference. The company may not test on animals itself, but probably works with companies that do. If they don't and a product causes some consumer to get injured, then they get sued, the company suffers, the people who work for that company suffer. In general, people will always want the safest and best product, and the companies that are able to prove their product's worth best are those who generally use animal testing.

In reality, the most esteemed research labs and companies are also the ones that go to great lengths to limit use of animals as much as possible and conduct research as humanely as possible. Encouraging this is the most important approach, but should be done in a civil and logical way. Animal activists will protest with pictures of poorly treated animals or even threats to others. However, the way animal research is portrayed is often misleading because most research is not abusive or the laboratory-bred rats are actually anesthetized pre-experiment.

Do not just take my word for it. Do your own research. Don't just read from only animal rights protesters articles or only biomedical research papers. Too many people are misinformed, lied to, or are given exaggerations that stray from reality. Explore without personal bias, and you are more likely to find the truth.

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17y ago

Because, if there is something wrong with the medicine, the animal will suffer, instead of a human, it is very crule but it makes sense.

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15y ago

No! It is unsafe and potentially deadly to test medical procedures at home. As for if you're a vet: How should I know? It doesn't sound ethical to me.

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12y ago
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12y ago

no because we are hurting these sweet animals but in a good way it helps cure dieases

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