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Whether narcissistic or not any person that is PHYSICALLY ABUSIVE should be arrested and this includes abusive women as well. Mental abuse is hard to prove.

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Q: Should Narcissistic People be Arrested for Abuse?
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Should people who abuse animals be on an animal abuse offender list?

Not only should they be placed on that list but they should also be arrested for animal cruelty.

Narcissistic Abuse?

The mistreatment of people in contact with somebody that has narcissistic personality disorder which has manifested and a maladaptive defensive adaptation causing abuse either emotional or physical to the person who is the recipient from the narcissist. The abuse can range from gaslighting, physical harm, manipulation, intimidation, and more.

If you have a narcissistic parent could you end up in a narcissistic relationship?

If you've been exposed to narcissistic abuse in childhood, you're more likely to end up with narcissistic partners if you haven't worked through your abuse. Adult Children of Narcissists (ACONs) have a number of issues to resolve.

How many congresspersons arrested for spousal abuse?

in 2007 29 congresspersons were accused of abuse 3 were arrested

How many people are arrested for prescription drug abuse each year in America?

over 1000

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Have a blast in jail.

Why do narcissistic parents physically and emotionally abuse their children?

They always emotionally abuse them, because narcissists lack empathy. Some physically abuse. It depends on the specific case.

What was Cindy McCain arrested for?

prescription abuse

Can a narrcissistic mate cause you to get depressed?

Yes. They emotionally and mentally abuse people which is very stressful and I do believe that this can lead to a depression and your narcissistic partner won't care either.

Why don't people get arrested for animal abuse?

Because it can usually not be seen by police officers, but if it is seen it is considered animal cruelty and that is a law and you can become arrested.

Can you get in trouble for leaving your dog in your car?

You can get arrested for animal abuse here if the car gets hot. if you don't, you should be. you should be horse-whipped with a real horse!

Why do people abuse Zoloft?

People abuse Zoloft because it can make them feel good. If you are prescribed the medication, you should never share it with others.