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Well I think that everyone wants to help stop animal abuse. If they don't than something is seriously messed up with them. One way you could help stop animal abuse would be to blog about your thoughts or feelings about the issue. If you are a hands on person then you could to your closest animal shelter and they should have programs. Programs like how to resue animals from abusive owners and things like that. You could also look for a career in this kind.


Well, there really isn't because some people are stupid and want to hurt the percious little animals. I don't want to hurt them, because animals are a mans' best friend, for example, a dog. But back to the topic, there is, but there isn't. It's really hard to explain. Sorry dude.


Yes there is and its simple, JUST SAY SOMETHING, SPEAK UP

animals need love and care just as much as they need food and water

if you see someone doing this or worse just speak up maybe if the owner realizes that he is doing something wrong he will try and correct his or hers ignorance, if things still dont improve call the local humane society or animal control. of and joing the ASPCA would also be a good start

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13y ago
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15y ago

yes,you can stop animal cruelty by treating your own pets with respect and if you see a animal being mistreated by their owner or anyone,just go and tell the police straight away before that animal gets killed if your friend and his/hers other friends think its funny to do something cruel to his or even your pet/s tell them to stop straight away or your telling the cops but don't be to serious because if your friend is more friendly to his/hers other friends then there's only one of you and more of them so just say something like "hey i got a better idea lets go and play my ps2 or xbox" ETC ETC ETC or just tell them you don't like it or you rather they didn't do that and tell them its not smart to be cruel to animals because they did nothing wrong and its just stupid so if there really your friends they will listen to you and also understand. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS.

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14y ago

I'm glad you care about the safety of animals. However, you cannot stop abuse all together. Some people will be a bit more stubborn about it. They probably believe that it is a free country and that his/her cat is his/her pet and he/she can do whatever they want with it. But you can help lessen the abuse of animals by joining a local animal shelter or ASPCA. You can also set a good example to younger kids by treating your pet right and not neglect it. You can also talk to your neighbors (if they'll talk to you) if they are neglecting your pet. Warn them (nicely) that they could be arrested and put in jail. This will help the pet and the neighbor.

you can help by:

1. Get help for the animal. If you see someone hurting an animal or if you know of someone whose animal looks sick, injured, or deprived of adequate food, water, or shelter, get help. Call the police, your local animal shelter, or a trusted adult. Do not try to help the animal yourself-that could put youin danger.

2. Get the facts. Write everything down. As a witness, you'll need to provide the date, time, location, and any other details you can remember, including descriptions of the animal, the type of cruelty, and the person who may be responsible for it.

3. Get the word out. Educate your friends, family, and teachers about animal cruelty and its connection to human violence by sharing information and materials from The Humane Society of the United States's First Strike™ campaign. For more information, call 1-888-213-0956, or write to us at First Strike, The HSUS, 2100 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20037.

4. Be a role model. Let your actions be a guide. Be kind to animals and let others know that hurting animals is wrong. Speak up for animals and urge others to do the same.

5. Be a responsible pet owner. Don't let your cats and dogs roam. Cats are safest indoors. When outdoors, dogs should be walked on a leash or supervised in a fenced yard. It's up to you to keep your pets safe.

6. Keep a lookout. If you see a stray or injured animal, contact your local animal care and control agency or the police. Provide a description of the animal and the location.

7. Make the 'Net work. If you find an internet site that promotes animal abuse, urge the service provider that hosts the web site to remove it immediately. You can find the address of the web site's provider at

8. Stop cruelty before it begins. Teach elementary schoolchildren in your community to be kind to animals via KIND News, a nine-times-a-year newspaper published expressly for kids. The prize-winning publication is produced by The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE), the youth service division of The HSUS. NAHEE also produces other publications and has programs like Adopt-a-Classroom. For more information, visit its web sites by following the links on the right.

9. Start a club. Start an animal protection club at your school. Visit the HumaneTeen web site and click on "Start a Club" for tips and activity suggestions.

10. Join the HumaneTeen Network. The HumaneTeen Network is a free online service that provides members with e-mail updates on the latest animal and environmental issues. To join, visit their web site and click on "Join the Network." For more information about animal cruelty, click on "Understanding Animal Cruelty."


  • volunteer at your local animal shelter
  • donate money to organizations and adopt animals to keep them safe.
  • Don't adopt from puppy mills, try to adopt a pet at a shelter
  • Provide money for animal hospitals
  • and always treat your animals with love
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12y ago

Unfortunatly we can't stop people doing the acts of animal abuse but we can help the animal; find you're local animal rescue team ring them up along with the police and report it; if you think it is an emergancy then ring ASAP 35% of abused animals are rehablaitesd and rehomed, the other % are too draumatised or put down to end there Condition [normally if cant be solved] i know animal abuse is plain wrong ): maximum sentence is 10 years [will be changing to 25-lifetime in 2012 in USA + ENGLAND]

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