The only pet that was ever non-members was the dark wolf, which was released as a non-member object by accident by Artix Corporation, and was quickly replaced with the black wolf, which is members only.
The skeleton pet is a temporary pet that appears when you equip Necromancer class and use the ability Summon Minion. It is a battle pet for non-members who can't buy pets.
You cannot have a pin on AQW
You need any pet tool and if you saw a pet use the pet tool
Yes, you need them for spells. Nonmembers just can't use combination runes, which are 2 runes put into 1 to save space. Nonmembers Fire Air Earth Water Body Mind Cosmic Chaos Astral Nature Death Law Blood Soul Members Mist Dust Mud Smoke Lava
No you can't use anything that is pay to play in nonmembers world.
I'm not sure if they have "AQW" Cards but they do have Artix Entertainment cards so you can absolutely use those for AQW.
easy just press the search button and type aqw or oth
The only way you can even obtain any skill is that if for example you got a level 99 skill in nonmembers world you can't just buy one from anywhere you have to be a member to buy a skill cape but then if you wanted to for some odd reason cancel your membership eighter way once you are wearing it you can use the skill capes emotes in nonmembers and members world when ever you want to but the capes bonus wont work in nonmembers though.
You need any pet tool and if you saw a pet use the pet tool
Many people do and they use it
you can use littlest pet shops in any way. you can play with them, you can paint them, you can make a lucky pet and you can do a whole lot more with them. use you're imagination!
Just use "Prizerebel" It'll take you about 15 minutes to get 3 months free on AQW.