No, pigs are not poisonous to humans.
Bracken ferns are not poisonous to humans but they are poisonous to animals.
Snakes are poisonous to humans but not to Meerkats.
only some fish are poisonous to humans
NO, ladybugs are not poisonous to humans, they can affect small animals but they are not poisonous to humans
cotton poisonous
Roundup is absolutely a perfect weed killer but it is toxic too. According to new studies, glyphosate based herbicides are probable carcinogens and unfortunately, glyphosate is the main ingredient in roundup. It causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia. Monsanto company is the producer of roundup and misrepresented about the product's safety and risks. If you are affected due to roundup, you are qualified to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit.The attorneys are providing free case reviews nationwide. You can get help via
No, air plants are not poisonous to humans or pets.
Yes, eye shadow can be poisonous to some living things. It is not poisonous to humans, but it can be poisonous to animals.
No lightning bugs are not poisonous to humans.
Spiders are not poisonous to humans. However, some spiders have venom that can be harmful if they bite, but most spider bites are not dangerous to humans.
Well, some are poisonous and some are edible to humans.