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yes, bnecause it animals extinction and if we use too much nothing will remain.

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Q: Is over farming a problem the desert is dealing with?
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What is substantial farming?

It is when a land of desert is brushed by the wind over a certain patch of land and is then deserted.

Is a desert a natural phenomena or can desert be a result of human activities?

Deserts are a natural phenomena but human activity, such as over grazing and improper farming practices, can cause a desert to expand.

What speeds up the expansion of the desert?

Poor farming practices and over grazing of livestock contribute to desertification.

The Sahara desert was once fertile land why is it a desert today?

Climate change (mainly) and progressive "desertification" through poor farming practices and over grazing

Why is the Sahel expanding?

Bad farming practices and over grazing by livestock are causing the Sahel to expand and turn to desert.

What was one of the early problems with farming?

One early problem with farming was the lack of knowledge about crop rotation and soil depletion, leading to reduced soil fertility and lower crop yields over time.

Are there any lessons that have been learned over time about the acid rain problem and ways of dealing with it?

yes because it could burn your skin

What are the primary sources of water for North Africa?

The Sahel is not a desert but a grassland. It has no serious water shortage. However, over grazing of livestock and poor farming practices are turning much of the Sahel into desert.

Are deserts natural or cultural?

The deserts are natural however, mans activities can cause them to spread.

Where is farming in Brazil?

all over

Why did Singapore choose high tech farming over traditional farming?

Land constraint.

What is in air from over the ocean compared with from over the desert?

Air over the ocean would have more moisture than air over a desert.