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Wallabies are Australian native animals and protected by law. Regardless of local laws in the US, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this.

Theoretically, it is illegal to own Australian wildlife as, under Australian law, these animals are not permitted to be taken out of the country except under specific circumstances. It is unfortunate that people in many overseas countries ignore these Australian laws, while the authorities look the other way. Under Oregon law, for example, wallabies may be bought, sold, trade, bred, imported and exported without a licence. This is despite Australian laws which, for decades, have forbidden these creatures to be taken out of Australia.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Regardless of local laws in the US, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismananagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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11y ago

Regardless of local laws in the US, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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12y ago

Wallabies are Australian native animals and protected by law. Regardless of local laws in the US, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere - Florida included. Many people do not realise this.

Theoretically, it is illegal to own Australian wildlife as, under Australian law, these animals are not permitted to be taken out of the country except under specific circumstances. It is unfortunate that people in many overseas countries ignore these Australian laws, while the authorities look the other way. Whether or not under Florida law, wallabies may be bought, sold, trade, bred, imported and exported without a licence, this would be despite Australian laws which, for decades, have forbidden these creatures to be taken out of Australia.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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11y ago

No. Regardless of local laws in the US, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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15y ago

Wallabies are native to Australia and protected by law. This means it is not legal to own one anywhere in the world, not even Australia, without a special Australian native animal carer's licence. Unfortunately, many people flout the laws, so one would probably find a wallaby being kept illegally as a pet.

Wallabies are Australian native animals and protected by law. Regardless of local, individual country laws, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this.

Theoretically, it is illegal to own Australian wildlife as, under Australian law, these animals are not permitted to be taken out of the country except under specific circumstances. It is unfortunate that people in many overseas countries ignore these Australian laws, while the authorities look the other way. Under Oregon law, for example, wallabies may be bought, sold, trade, bred, imported and exported without a licence. This is despite Australian laws which, for decades, have forbidden these creatures to be taken out of Australia.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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11y ago


Kangaroos and wallabies are protected by Australian law, and are not permitted as pets in Australia. They should not be purchased by people overseas to satisfy a whim for an exotic pet. These animals cannot be domesticated. Within Australia, they may only be kept by a registered wildlife carer who has a licence.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismananagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes. It also increases the likelihood of abuse. Regardless of local laws In the USA, it is illegal to have wallabies as pets, according to Australian laws.

Wallabies and kangaroos are not sold commercially in Australia as pets. Apart from registered and regulated animal sanctuaries and some research institutions, only registered wildlife carers may tend ill or wounded native animals for a time. Many unregistered people will take in injured wildlife and call them their "pets": while this is a marvellous caring gesture, it is still illegal, and the animals are required by Australian law to be released as soon as they are able to fend for themselves. Animals which are injured or distressed (e.g. during bushfires or floods, or orphaned when the mother is hit by a car) should always be rescued. For the good of the animal it is better to notify the wildlife authorities as soon as possible.

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