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No, obviously not.

The status depending on the source of ethanol.

Ethanol is haram if:

It is a by product of Alcoholic Beverages.

Extracted from alcoholic beverages.

Ethanol is halal if:

Produced fron a non alcoholic beverages.

Its not extracted from alcoholic beverages.

Is not a by product of the alcoolic beverages manufacturing.

In certa countries i.e Malaysia, the level of ethanol in food ingredients is permitted to a certain level (which do not cause intoxication to the end user) which is 0.5% maximum. This refer to ethanol used as carriers for flavouring or colouring. Provided these ethanol are produced as mentioned above for halal ethanol. Any level of ethanol used which can cause intoxication is haram even if it is from a halal source.

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Strict Muslims are forbidden alcohol as an intoxicant, along with all sorts of other drugs which might distract one's mind from the teachings of Mohammed. This does not prohibit alcohol as a fuel, a germicide, a cleaner, an artist's medium or another non-imbibed use.

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