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Legally speaking in America it is not. But it is painful and pointless. Years ago people cropped dogs' ears and docked their tails to keep them from injuring themselves when they worked. As most dogs today are pets and don't work in dangerous environments ear cropping and tail docking is out dated. It is cosmetic surgery, which is something only people choose. A dog does not care what it looks like but it does care about the pain of surgery. Not to mention the fact that it is mutilating parts of the dog's body that it uses for communication.

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Q: Is ear cropping considered animal abuse?
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Since surgeries like ear cropping and tail docking are not really beneficial to the animals why are they not considered animal abuse?

== == While there are still some breeders that ear crop and tail dock you can thank breeding shows for this, but, times are changing and it's slowly going out of style. However dogs such as Doberman Pinchers, etc., still have their ear's cropped while in show. To some breeders and the Breed Show Society ear cropping and tail docking is no different than some people getting plastic surgery, but a in British Columbia society is putting the heat on this behavior.

Is pericing a dogs ear animal abuse?

No, but you're a retard if you do it.

What the difference between ear taping and ear cropping dogs?

Ear taping is when the ears are wrapped and bandaged into position, whereas cropping involves the surgical removal of part of all of the dog's outer ear.

Does ear cropping make dogs more aggressive?


How do you heal ear crops of dogs?

I am going to assume that you had a Veterinarian do the ear cropping and not yourself. There are certain creams that you can put on the edges that will help to ease the itching but the best thing is to either take your dog back to the Vet who did the ear cropping or call him or her, to treat these cropped ears. Have you ever considered not cropping the ears? A lot of folks in the show world and pet world are not cropping ears anymore and the dogs look wonderful. The original reason for cropping the pitbull's ears were to help keep its ears from being grabbed or bitten while fighting.

How much does ear cropping cost?

From 75 to 300 dollars.

Are cropped ears bad for dogs?

Cropping ears is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves cutting and reshaping a dog's ears for aesthetic purposes. This procedure is controversial and outlawed in many countries due to concerns about animal welfare and unnecessary pain. Some argue that cropping ears can also affect a dog's ability to communicate using their ear position and may lead to potential health issues or complications.

Do pitbulls need taping after ear cropping?

No go to the vet and ask them what you need to do.

Do have to tape a pit bull ears after ear cropping if its a short or show crop?

Cropping is illegal in the UK and should be in the US, it's cruel and pointless. Crop and tape your own ears.

A General price to have yours pits ears clipped?

The price for ear cropping is usually between $250 and $350.

Does Ear cropping pittbulls effect there mental health?

It is painful and unnecessary. Cosmetic surgery on animals is unethical. Don't do it.

Where to crop your pitbulls ears in Australia?

Ear cropping is illegal in all of Australia, but it is still legal in most of America and Canada.