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yes. the trainers troture the animals until they do what they are told.

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Q: Is animal entertainment part of animal abuse?
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Related questions

What state is popular for animal abuse?

I think every state has an equal part in animal abuse.

What leads to pet abuse?

Taking part in human abuse, being angry, and just plain what may seem like teasing an animal can also be and lead to animal abuse.

Are cats a huge part of animal abuse?

Sometimes , but it's usually dogs.

If part of your religion is to have a dog fight does that count as animal abuse?

Absolutely yes.

Neglecting animal abuse?

Yes, neglecting an animal is animal abuse.

What year had the most animal abuse?

the year with the most animal abuse is every year,many people like to abuse animal in diffrent ways.Overbreeding and poching animal are some of our main parts of animal abuse.

Can you get arreseted for animal abuse?

yes. animal abuse is illegal

Can animal abuse be supported?

no animal abuse is a bunch of bull

What is the definetion of animal abuse?

animal abuse is being mean to an animal for no apparent reason

What is a good title for a PowerPoint on animal abuse?

if is society aas stands for animal abuse society

How is pollution a form of animal abuse?

well actually littering is also animal abuse. the polluted air get into the lungs of animal and vwala. animal abuse. also littering cancause an animal to not have a home.

How severe can animal abuse get?

Animal abuse can range from taunting to teasing to physical abuse. Sometimes it can result in death.