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It is illegal in the US and much of Europe.

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13y ago

Yes it is....Animal cruelty is wrong..Thats like asking 'Is killing my 2 month old child illegal?'. Abusing any living creature is illeagl! and it should be!

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I'm not really sure what is illegal to put in a garbage can, but I think that bodies or humans and other animals is illegal. Anything that would be a crime of abusing or killing would be unsafe.

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What is one of the rules about abusing animals?

not to abuse animals.

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Plenty. Abusing animals is harsh. Too many.

Is it illegal to abuse?

It depends on what you are abusing, if it is alcohol, then it's fine but if it is children, women or the elderly, then you win an award.

How do veterinarians lose their licensce?

probably from killing abusing animals off or on their workplace

Why are human abusing animals?

Because they need to test products and such on the animals for the humans to use. Unfortunately, the process is not very pleasant. Poor animals.

How can you help abused animals?

We can help by telling and showing others how we're hurtin animals by doing this . If you see animal getting abuse report it right away and make this world an animal abuse free wold.

Should animals enjoy freedom?

Yeah it's about time animals take their revenge on the pathetic humans for locking them up and abusing them >:|