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The average salary for an animal cruelty investigator is $31,000. Higher salaries can be provided for individuals who look into animal cruelty crimes as a cop.

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it takes 2 years to do that.

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Q: How many years does it take to be a animal cruelty investigator?
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How Many Years in Jail do People who Commit Animal Cruelty get?

The length of jail time for those who commit animal cruelty varies greatly depending on the severity of the offense and the laws of the specific jurisdiction. Penalties can range from probation or fine to several years in prison. Repeat offenders or those involved in particularly heinous acts of animal cruelty may face longer sentences.

What do you need to be a animal cruelty investigator?

Firstly I envy you for wantting to become an animal cruelty investirgator. An animal cruelty investigator is what this earth is short of. What you need to qualify to be an animal cruelty investigator is the following things: 1) Dedication. Being An animal cruelty investigator means dedicating your life and time to animals 2) Assertiveness. You need to be able to be assertive and be a voice to what you think is right. That means confronting pursuers. 3) A Gentle Nature. If you find an animal that needs your help, be kind and gentle with it. 4) Fierce Determination. It means never giving up to fight for the animals and becoming a wildlife warrior. 5) The basics. One of the most important things! You need to know what's cruelty and what's not. Also knowing that you are not supposed to take one hour showers, waste electricity, waste water and littering. Completely Ironic! 6) Last but not least you need A Voice. This means alwaays telling others about what you are and what you are planning to do to make a difference. Good Luck and may all these things go with you. You are making a difference unlike so many people in the world, be proud of it, live in its glory and always remember, you have a voice.

Why is animal cruelty so common today?

Animal cruelty is common today for many reasons. There is animal hoarding, laboratory testing, puppy mills, dog fighting, greyhound racing, and exotic pet trading that cause animal cruelty.

How many computers would it take to crush a puppy?

Why the heck are you asking this? Are you for animal cruelty? OMG Why the heck are you asking this? Are you for animal cruelty? OMG

What are research questions or topics about animal cruelty and abuse?

There are many

How many animals die a day from animal cruelty in china?


How many animals killed a year due to animal cruelty?


How many animals are rescued from animal cruelty?

over 65,00 a year

Is animal cruelty illegal or legal in nz?

Animal cruelty is defined in many different ways varying from your location and the species of animal involved. For example; tethering a dog is considered "cruelty" in several US counties, but in other places tethering is considered an appropriate action. New Zealand does have some animal cruelty prevention laws, but there are large loopholes and it doesn't really protect working animals. Depending on your definition, yes, Animal cruelty can be legal depending on the circumstances.

How serious is animal cruelty in America?

Honestly, it depends on who you ask. To me, every animal cruelty case is serious, so if you ask me, I would say it is very serious. There are many different kinds of animal cruelty, though. There are owners simply abusing their pets, and there is animal testing, and mass production farms, like KFC.

How many forms of animal cruelty are there?

infinity it happens everyday and nobody can help it lucky we have animal helpers