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If they are ritually slaughtered, they are ALL killed.

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Q: How many ritually slaughtered animals are killed?
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How many non-human animals are killed each year in the US?

Around 9 billion are slaughtered.

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In the US in 2008 the number of cattle, pigs, chickens, layer hens, broiler chickens and turkeys slaughtered in total was 18,573,833,400. That is 35,338 animals slaughtered every minute in the US. That excludes fish.

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Halal chicken means the chicken which has been ritually slaughtered and has no additives in it which are Haram. Animals killed halal (according to Islamic law) cannot be stunned before their throats are cut, which means that many animals-including the cow shown in this video-fight and gasp for their last breath, struggling to stand while the blood drains from their necks. Google - PETA The Cruelty Behind Muslim Ritual Slaughter

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The animals in the path of the avalanche are likely to be killed by it.

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Many animals are killed each year for reasons such as food production, clothing (fur and leather), research, and habitat destruction. Additionally, animals are sometimes killed due to sport hunting, poaching, and population control measures.

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There are way too many animals killed each year from frost bite. This is because animals who do not belong out in exposed cold are.

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millions of animals are killed yearly in the usa alone so imagine how many are killed in the other countries and then u have to add that up and what will u get?BILLIONS OF ANIMALS THAT ARE KILLED!!!!!!!! so i guess u could do some research and end up with billions of animals killed yearly.

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An estimated 23 thousand dolphins and porpoises are slaughtered each year.

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2 and 1/2 were killed.

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