yes their are national marine sanctuaries along its path
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation8601 Georgia Ave., Ste. 501Silver Spring, MD 20910
With the vast ocean managed in the lowest common way, some places need to be set aside for lasting conservation and managment. National Marine Sanctuaries are our Nation's ocean treasures and are set aside for enjoyment for this and future generations.
The Sanctuaries Act authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to designate and protect areas of the marine environment.
The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA), also known as the Ocean Dumping Act, prohibits the dumping of material into the ocean that would unreasonably degrade or endanger human health or the marine environment.
many sanctuaries and national parks are being set up to save dholes
What you are allowed to do in a 'marine national park' depends on what country and state/province the park is in as the rules - and the actual names - vary a lot from place to place. In Australia the different types of parks or 'protected area' include: marine national parks, marine reserves, marine sanctuaries, marine conservation areas, marine management areas, marine reserves, marine reserve areas and marine parks. Most marine protected areas have rules that limit or prohibit activities that impact on the marine animals and plants in a way that is inconsistent with the reason the protected area was set up. For example - compare different types of marine parks in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia.
There are 442 sanctuary in India.
The purpose of making national parks biosphere reserves and wildlife sanctuaries is to protect the flora and fauna and to prevent it from extinction.
gir forest in gujarat is a national park..