There does not appear to be any limit at the current time, although suburbs certainly have their own regulations. Chicago has been considering a 4 or 5 dog limit for several years.
The McLean County, Illinois website does not specify how many pets a person can own. They do require the dogs and cats to be vaccinated and a license bought to each animal.
No Bobby Flay does not own a restaurant in Illinois but he does make appearances in Chicago.
The Obamas own a home in Chicago, Illinois.
Yes they do. Chicago O'Hare is a big hub and the home of United Airlines.
Yes, but outside the Chicago City Limits.
Check with your local animal control office for your local law, but the vast majority of people shouldn't have more than 1 or 2 dogs at a time.
How many dogs can we own in fontana California
more than 72 million households own dogs. the average amount of dogs to own is 1 or 2
You are allowed to own four dogs and breeding is not permitted.
In Costa Rica, a family can own up to 15 dogs! Me myself has 15 dogs.
How many dogs I can have in Sacramento area ?
you can keep 4 out but alltogether i think you can own 14 (ten in the hotel)