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how long has oxfam been running for

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Q: How long has oxfam been running for?
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How long has the UK organization Oxfam been running for?

Oxfam was established in 1992 and works in countries to help people not to be in poverty. It also has as a goal to let the people to exercise their rights.

How long has Oxfam Australia been established?

since 1942

What is the longest running charity?

Oxfam is the longest running charity

Where has oxfam worked?

Oxfam Has Been Working On A Lot Of Things Including Famine And In The Resent Earthquake In Haiti

What activities has Oxfam been involved in?

they help people from asia GEE THANKS BUD! >.<

What sector is oxfam?

ask oxfam

How long has the nspcc been running?

The Nspcc has been running since 1884 so sice it is 2011 its been running for 127 years

Where can Oxfam gifts be found?

Oxfam gifts can be found on every national Oxfam website. Oxfam runs an online shop called OxfamUnwrapped. Every gift Oxfam sells benefits something related.

What liability does oxfam have?

They have a certain amount of liability becuase they get support from the goverment and also have more then one director running the compant.

Who is the CEO for oxfam?

The CEO of Oxfam is Barbara Stocking

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John Wise P.S. has been running since 2009!

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