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The dog goes the about half of what a regular service dog does.

Three step process, it only completes the first two.

Step one is Obediance and must pass the AKC-CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test

Step 2 is Public Access and ensuring the dog is well behaved in public, ADI Public Access Test.

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14y ago
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6y ago

You would start with basic obedience and excellent manners. A therapy dog needs to be quietly friendly, controlled and calm in all situations. They must not jump up on others as they could injure delicate skin of the people it is visiting. If your dog meets that definition or once it has been trained enough to meet it, you would look for a local organization that certifies dogs for therapy work and get certified through that organization.

Because of recent confusion over terms let me clarify that I am speaking of a dog that is taken to rest homes, hospitals and the like upon invitation to comfort the patients there. A dog trained to assist a particular disabled person in public is called a service dog.
To train your golden retriever to become a therapy dog, they will need to go to special therapy. This is something that will likely be done through the state. You can't do this on your own.

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9y ago

This depends on where you live. Many cities have a local group that you can sign up for.

Most groups require that your dog knows basic obedience, is well socialized, and meets basic health requirements.

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15y ago

first start by taking your dog in to public places, and letting adults and little kids pet him and play with him. if you write back we will go from ther.

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