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Exotic animals are no longer aloud to eat live prey in captivity. avoiding diseases

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Q: How does the zoonoses order 1989 affect exotic animals?
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What is the difference in indigenous and exotic cattle breeds?

Indigenous are those animals or people that have been on a particular piece of land or island long before other "invaders" "found" it. Exotics are newly arrived species of animals that are not native or usual to a particular landscape.

Why was the exotic car developed?

In order to have a feeling of sexual ecstasy while driving.

How would you pronounce your order in a exotic restaurant?

Point at menu order what date orders ask server order special Family Feud

Do you make special orders and does the cost increase to do it?

Special orders normally cost a different price, especially for exotic's. When you're asking for something exotic and on a special order, there will definitely be a difference in price.

What is the order from the largest to smallest group of animals?

Well, you have big animals, medium animals & then small animals, in that order.

What kind of cook writes a book about exotic Indian food?

The kind of cook who would write a book about exotic Indian food will be knowledgeable in a wide variety of Indian cuisine. They have likely spent a lot of time traveling to regions of India in order to sample as much exotic food as possible.

What animals are 2nd order heterotrophs?

All animals who eat 1st order heterotrophs.

Why should exotic pets be outlawed?

I do beleive that exotic pets should be outlawed. Owning an exotic pet is much different than owning a domesticated pet, such as a dog or cat. Exotic pets require much more special care than other pets. They need special diets, enough space and excercise, around-the-clock attention, and different things to stimulate them so they don't get bored. Most people cannot provide all of this for an exotic pet. As a result, the animal is usually poorly cared for causing them to get sick or bored, which in many cases leads the animals to develop unhealthy or destructive habits. Also, exotic pets can be dangerous. A monkey may look cute and cuddly, but they can also be quite viscous. Take for example the incident in which Paris Hilton supposedly was clawed at and bit on the face by her pet monkey, Baby Luv, while shopping for lingerie. Some exotic pets lash out and hurt their owners, who in return, sell them, dump them off somewhere, or even kill them. Exotic pets are wild animals. They should be outlawed unless the owner is an expert and knows what he or she is doing and, even in that case, I would say it's only right to own an exotic animal if the animal is sick, injured, or orphaned and needs to be nursed back to health by that person. Except for in these rare cases, exotic pets need to be kept in their natural habitat in order to have a more healthy and happy life.

Would you recommend Exotic Gardens?

Exotic Gardens is the Internet name of Buning the Florist of Fort Lauderdale, FL. If you need flowers in Fort Lauderdale, call them. Otherwise, find a local florist in the area to which your order needs to be delivered.

What are the four major components in order to be a tourist becomes successful?

* Exotic landscapes * Food * Culture * Clothing These are some i can think of..

Does monkey pox go through lytic cycle?

The monkeypox virus does go through a lytic cycle in order to replicate. This virus is a zoonotic disease that can affect both animals and humans.

Why does the order of amino acid acids affect the structure of a protein?

The order of amino acids can affect the protein's shape.