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Q: How does the prospect of retirement inspire boxer to work harder?
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What was another thing that Boxer said in animal farm?

he says "I will work harder"He says that he ewill work harder and better

Do you have to be a natural to be a boxer?

No. You just have to train longer and harder is you are not

In Animal Farm what was Boxer's habit when he was thinking?

"I will work harder."

Who said you will work harder and Napoleon is always right?


What boxer defeated Thomas Hearns and sent him into retirement?

Sugar Ray Leonard

What is boxer looking forward to at the end of summer next year?

retirement with benjamin

In animal farm who did boxer blame for the executions what was his solution?

Boxer's tow mottos are: "Napoleon is always right!" and "I will work harder."

What two phrases does boxer use frequently?

Boxer's two favorite sayings are:"Napoleon is always right.""I will work harder!"

How is boxer rewarded in Animal Farm?

he is rewarded by his death which he was meant to be rewarded by early retirement

What page number does Boxer first say you will work harder?

Boxer first says, "I will work harder" on page 23 of George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm." This statement becomes a motto for Boxer and represents his dedication to the cause of the farm.

Former heavyweight fighter James J. Jeffries came out of retirement but was defeated by this boxer?

Jack Johnson.

Why is boxer so important to napoleon's success?

Boxer is very important to Napoleon's success because no other animal on the farm works harder than Boxer. He is also the most dedicated and loyal worker.