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Animal abuse can be anything that treats an animal in a way that is cruel, inflicting suffering unnecessarily on the animal. When a person chooses to abuse, neglect, or breed a domestic animal, the consequences are delayed but still effect our economy. For instance, a person that is prosecuted for animal cruelty costs money in the form of court costs, officer time, officer follow-up, even jail time, which is an obvious burden on taxpayers.

People that choose to breed their dogs create an economic burden by contributing to the pet population, the dogs that are sold or given away are homes taken from dogs that will wind up in the city shelter. City shelters cost the taxpayers money.

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12y ago
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13y ago

It affects the abuser emotionally because they might be that animasl best friend and later they will feel guilty. they also have to take into acount the consequences that could come with the fact of just abusing the animal and possibly killing it.

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16y ago

it effects the world because there are not so many animals in the world for people to have .I think that people who abuse animals should have no rights to have them.

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How does animal abuse start?

animal abuse starts when an abuser gets mad and just disides to take everything out on the animal, then he/she starts hitting and hurting the poor animal. This is not fair to the animal and should be stopped.

Is education important to stop animal abuse?

yes, if we do not educate ourselves with the things that people do to animals than we cannot see how the animal is hurt, and if we do not educate ourselves on what animal abuse is we may become an animal abuser.

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better I would say angrier because, he or she wouldn't like it, and would want something else to abuse.

How does animal abuse have an effect on the animal?

Animal abuse has every effect on the animal!! It messes with their mind; turns their personality to a turning point; and their attitude goes hay-wire, with one glitch.

What would happen to a animal abuser if they got caught?

It depends on the abuse and on wether the abuser was properly aware of what he was doing. Often animal abuse is the result of negligence or ignorance and can be put right with a little education. However for those that commit serious act of cruelty there are heavy fines and at times goal sentences

If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

Does substance abuse intervention increase the abuser's odds of staying clean?

Yes, it does. In all cases, the substance abuse intervention is conducted to inform the abuser of the danger and guide the abuser out of whatever form of substance abuse he/she is using. This on a whole gives the abuser moral and medical support, increasing the odds of staying clean.

What is a common form of abuse where the abuser tries to keep the abused from family and friends?

domestic abuse or violence

What makes people vulnerable to abuse and the power relationship between the abuser and the victim?

the abuser is called sadist & the victim is called masochist.

What would a parent have to do to be considered and abuser?

abuse the child mentally or physically

What is abuse mean?

Yes, the noun 'abuse' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.

Should an animal abuser be able to keep their animal?

That's like asking "Should a child abuser be allowed to keep custody of their child?"