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Yes Napoleon and the other pigs passed out the food on the farm so that they could also keep the food they liked better for themselves.

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Q: How did napoleon take to get grain in Animal Farm?
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In Animal Farm what new role do the dogs take on when Snowball is driven away they are?

Napoleon's enforcers

What choices does the animals on Animal Farm make that limits their individual freedom?

The animals on the animal farm allowed Napoleon to take the dogs away from the parents resulting to him teaching the dogs to do his bidding which means that the farm is under the Napoleons control when their older. Napoleon uses them and, sends them after Snowball which then result to the farm having to listen to Napoleon unless he wants one of the animals wants to die or be banished.

What is an example of hubris in Animal Farm?

An example of hubris in Animal Farm is Napoleon's belief that he is always right and that his decisions are never to be questioned. He starts to take on more power and control as the story progresses, showcasing his arrogance and overconfidence in his own abilities. This hubris ultimately leads to his downfall and the corruption of the farm.

What dealings does Napoleon have with Frederick and Pilkington?

Napoleon fist come into contact with Frederick and Pilkington when they try to take over animal farm. Later he would begin to trade with his neighbors.

Where animal farm take place?

on a farm

What the locations of the major events in animal farm?

The major events in "Animal Farm" take place on a fictional farm in England. These events include the animals overthrowing Mr. Jones, establishing their own government, the rise of Napoleon to power, the corrupting influence of power, and the eventual oppression of the animals by the ruling class.

Who are the animals in charge of Animal Farm?

Napoleon, the BIG PIG, and his lieutenant , Squealer , all other pigs being superior to the other animals, and the dogs were the serveants and guards of all pigs, but primarily, Napolean .

Why do the executions take place in animal farm?

the animals had said that they had been in contact and been working with snowball the pig that had said to by Napoleon to have been the betrayer and actually had said to have been actually been working with Mr. Jones the original owner of animal farm. in truth napoleon had probably talked or made others talk with the animals who had been executed. they behind the scenes were probably been tortured and abused. the reason they had been in contact with snowball it could be because they had just gone completely crazy maybe they were forced to without knowing the consequences. The author makes you think in this book.

What is the foreshadowing in chapter one in animal farm?

In Chapter One of Animal Farm, the actions and thoughts of Old Major, the aging boar, foreshadow the rebellion that will take place on the farm. Old Major's dream of a farm run by animals, free from human oppression, sets the stage for the overthrow of Mr. Jones and the establishment of the animal-led society. Additionally, his teachings about equality and solidarity among the animals hint at the challenges they will face in achieving their utopian vision.

What is the title of the book where animals take over a barn?

Animal Farm

What is the historical parallel to manor farm being changed to Animal Farm?

Manor farm reperents Russia when Karl Marx/Lenin was in control. When the farm was renamed to Animal Farm it shows that Stalin has taken control and a new unsuccesfull idea of communsm had begun to take over.

Who is the poet of the farm in Animal Farm?

The poet of the farm in Animal Farm is Old Major, a wise old boar who delivers a speech that inspires the animals to rebel against their human farmer and establish a new society based on equality and solidarity.