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we can protect our environment by telling our socity about harmful uses of plastics ,by not throwing plastic any where alone ,by using cotton bag instid of using plastic bag etc .

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Q: How can you protect environment from plastic?
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How do you protect environment from plastic?

learn to know how to recycle and reuse the used plastics

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Plastic liners and clay layers act as barriers to prevent leakage of harmful substances such as leachate from the landfill into the surrounding environment. This helps protect groundwater and soil from contamination, reducing the risk of environmental damage and potential health hazards for nearby communities.

Why it is important to not throw plastic bottles?

It is important not to throw plastic bottles because they can take centuries to decompose, contributing to environmental pollution and harm to wildlife. Recycling or properly disposing of plastic bottles helps to reduce waste and protect the environment.

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What can you use less of to help protect the environment?

We can help in the improvement of the environment by avoiding, controlling and finally stopping the usage of plastic-related products such as plastic bags, bottles,etc. we can also reduce the usage of glass as it is non-biodegradable in nature. We can contribute by avoiding the wastage of paper and electricity.

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there trying the best they can do to protect their environment.

How are hybrid cars made?

It is made out of plastic so you can produce it and help the environment. Plastic is bad for the environment.

1 What types of things does Friends of the Earth do to protect the environment?

save energy use less plastic and wood and paper and recycle junk and make them in to new things

Are plastic goods good for the environment?

no. its demolishing the environment

What does plastic do to the environment?

kills it

Is leather worse for the environment or is plastic?

Plastic is much worse.