depends on the girl, some spit, some swallow.
Not if a leper treads the grapes and a toe drops off and you swallow it...
No. Hormones and family history determine that.
It is estimated, according to surveys, that 30 percent of girls swallow. However, 100% of girls swallow when they eat food, drink a drink or do normal daily activities.
Because the iron in them improves their womb.
nothing girls swallow all the time......
Christi has: Performed in "I Swallow 17" in 2001. Performed in "I Swallow 18" in 2001. Performed in "Horny Hairy Girls 6" in 2001. Performed in "Goo Girls 6" in 2001. Performed in "I Swallow 20" in 2002. Performed in "Lovely Faces 6: Total versaut" in 2004.
if your short you either gotta go very short or very long on your hems the in-between will usually swallow shorter girls.
yes they choke to death and have a heart attack :D