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Yes, some animals do eat willow trees. For example, wild turkeys and wood ducks have no remorse for munching on your favorite willow tree!

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Q: Do animals eat willow trees
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What animals live in willow trees?

Squrlles live in it. but deer eat the bark

What eats willow trees?

Beavers, deer, and insects like caterpillars and beetles are known to consume willow trees. Additionally, some species of birds like woodpeckers and finches may also feed on the buds and seeds of willow trees.

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willow trees

What birds animals or insects live in a Weeping Willow tree?

Birds are among the chief temporary residents of willow trees. A variety of insects inhabits willow trees and shrubs. Some breed in the foliage or bark.

What desert animals eat trees?

No Australian desert animals eat trees. No Australian animals eat trees at all, although many will feed on the leaves, flowers, shoots and even bark of trees.

What Australian desert animals eat trees?

No Australian desert animals eat trees. No Australian animals eat trees at all, although many will feed on the leaves, flowers, shoots and even bark of trees.

Are Willow trees in forests?

Yes Willow trees are in forests

What animals eats trees?

What animals eat trees?Animals that eat trees: Horses,Goats,Cows,Donkeys,Mules - there maybe some more but these are the most common,

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What animals like weeping willow trees?

there are a great variety including squirrels,deer, and much more

What animals use or live in weeping willow trees?

a deer, squrlle, owl, jaguar, ocelot and lizards

Are willow trees made of bamboo?

No, Willow trees are mostly wood, bamboo is a type of grass, there is no bamboo in a willow tree.