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Yes. In fact, the vast majority of all abortions occur as spontaneous abortions, in the first trimester. This occurs as a result of the body ridding itself of cells/embryos which are malformed.

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Q: Do abortions occur spontaneously
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Where are abortions most common?

Since the world's population is concentrated in Asia, that is where most abortions occur (26 million yearly); nine million of these take place in China. But if you look at what country has most abortions percentage wise it's Russia with over 50% of pregnancies aborted.

What is the difference between non spontaneously and spontaneously?

Non-spontaneous processes require intervention or energy input to occur, while spontaneous processes occur on their own without needing external help. Spontaneous processes tend to move towards equilibrium, while non-spontaneous processes move away from equilibrium.

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