Answer: It depends on the behavior and temperment of the cat in question, but as a general rule, strange cats are not to be trusted. If you spot a cat on the street, do NOT approach it as it may be sick, frightened, injured, or just ill tempered. Instead, call a professional or your local animal shelter to come get the animal.
maybe, maybe not
I dont think you can breed them....
I dont think you can breed them....
I don't know really
You can't sell it I tried can't
Cats can be very finniky about where they will let you touch them. Some cats will let you touch their tails and others will not. Before trying to pet a cat's tail, see if that cat likes to be pet at all.
Feral cats, which means once domesticated but returned to the wild state.
Sarah Hayes
Yes, they bite the kittens neck, cats have no sense of touch on the back of their necks